It's mid-November? What???? From the looks of it, stores are certainly skipping over Thanksgiving in favor of the more commercial December Holidays -- and mentally I'm right there with them. As I started writing this post, I realized Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas and Hanukkah are only a month away. Cue panic.
Okay, not really. I've been on top of my shopping this year. I've purchased gifts for my mom and James -- but what about everyone else? James' parents? My grandma? Friends, co-workers, boss? Anyone feel me?
To help you avoid some of the holiday hassle, I've done a very "blogger" thing and made a gift guide. It's got a twist though! All products are from local brands and companies. They come from local brands, local PEOPLE, Maryland-owned businesses. My previous Local Holiday Gift Guide was a fan-favorite post. I've since moved websites (the old site is never updated and I'm trying to figure out how to take it down completely), but after the amazing year I've had, I wanted to do Local Holiday Gift Guide for 2019. This post was also highly requested by readers in a poll on Instagram.
It's important to give back 365 days a year, but as consumers, we seem to mindlessly spend a lot of money during the Holiday season. I'm asking you to think about your purchases this Holiday season -- you can buy gifts and support your community at once. When we buy local, we give back to Baltimore. We support the local makers and creatives that call Charm City home, and we put money in the pockets of community members and the local economy. You want to support Baltimore? Buy Baltimore.
This year's guide includes items I own, brands I love, and products I've been wanting some time!

Wild At Home, $12. A book from Baltimore's green thumb himself, Hilton Carter, Wild At Home discusses the ins-and-outs of plant care and how to curate your own urban jungle. I own this book and have also gifted them to my mother and grandmother! Can't beat the price.
Meeting Notebook, $22. This gift is for the thinkers, creators, and do-ers in your life. We've got a lot of those in Baltimore. Write Notepads & Co. makes my life a little easier with this Black Meeting Notebook. Perfect for ideas, schedules, or those mid-meeting doodles. Check out their entire selection of notepads here. Pro-tip: You can order their Baltimore-inspired notebooks at the Made in Baltimore shop.
Orla Boot, $89. No Lost Sole is a Maryland-owned shoe company encouraging customers to walk in their purpose. I was gifted their Eve, Stella, and Teke flats -- and all are perfect for work or play. They're releasing their new BOOTS Monday, Nov 25th and they're so fly, you're gonna need both colors! They have a selection of men's loafers as well.
Chainstitch Patches, varies. Owner of This Sporting Life, Arvay Adams is the king of classic Baltimore. His chainstitch work, Orioles gear, and custom pieces are the perfect gift for the Baltimore lover in your life. Check out more of his work on Instagram. You can also buy his ready-made pieces at Sixteen Tons (the mens' shop inside Doubledutch Boutique) on Hampden's 36th Street.
Bag of Guatemalan Roast, $17.50. The perfect local gift for the coffee-lover in your life? A bag of Aveley Farms coffee. Check out the coffeeshop's current selection here or head to Aveley Farms in Harbor East to pick up a bag (and a latte) for yourself.
Baltimore Enamel Pins, $12 each. Tiny Dog Press is shop full of colorful creativity, woman-run out of Baltimore! These pins are perfect for a backpack (see below), denim jacket, or anyone's collection. Looking other Baltimore-inspired gifts? Check out the online shop's Baltimore, Maryland page.
Biddle Backpack, $130. It's been almost 3 years, and my Biddle backpack from Treason Toting Co. is going strong. I still get weekly complements on my bag -- people are always surprised when I tell them the brand is local. The perfect gift the student, the city resident, or anyone on the move!
Coconut Lip Polish, $8.95. Looking to gift an all-natural product this holiday season? Cue Bouquette Beauty. Baltimore and women-owned, Bouquette's products are sure to have your shining this winter! I personally own their Petit Lip Tubes and Incandescent Illuminating Body Oil. Check out the complete collection of all-natural products here.
Baltimore Arrows Beanie, $15. It is winter after all, and what better way to show your Baltimore pride than with this tasteful Baltimore beanie from Pangea Printing Co.? I usually wouldn't suggest a beanie as a gift, but I like the simplicity and pride of this one. Available in both yellow and green!
Fly Nerd Definition Tee, $30. To my fellow fly nerds, this is IT! The gift you need to give yourself this holiday season. I've been eyeing this tee up for awhile, and after passing my PhD Qualifying Exam, I think it's finally time to purchase. This tee from Fly Nerd Apparel is perfect for the fly nerd in your life. Because being smart is fly. Check out Fly Nerd's full collection here.
Regardless of the season, I encourage all of you to shop Baltimore more often. We have amazing boutiques and shops run by locals, and I love supporting the people behind them. I made it even easier for you! Find local spots to shop in my Guide to Shopping Vintage in Baltimore and my Baltimore Coffeeshop Guide!
You can also check out the Made in Baltimore Shop along North Avenue to purchase some of the products highlighted in this post along with products from many other Baltimore entrepreneurs!
As always, you can follow along with my adventures, finds, and favorites in real time over at @stylishlytaylored!
Until next time, keep it local.

I 100% agree! I love shopping local and supporting businesses in my community! Thank you for sharing some of your favorites!
Such a great gift guide!! Love those beige booties!
Love this list! There's something for everyone and I love that it highlights so many local businesses.
Love this idea! So many cute ideas that help give back